Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Okay: this is going to be fun.

Once upon a time there was a planet with life growing on it, and then more and more complexly organized and communal life, and then more and more intelligent life, and then even consciousness grew, so that this big slime mold we sometimes call Gaia ---- a rose as sweet or stinky whatever you call it ---- eventually came to be SELF-conscious, in a very literal way: she had even invented studies called "biology" and "ecology," by which she might more deeply understand herself.

One of these studies, called "Darwinism" or "Evolutionary Theory," eventually led some social scientists and other ethologists and ecologists to get together and form two sort of "subfields," each critical to our present telling of The Big Sorty....


....i dunno....


the sorty. Okay, the subfileds, as i've called them, are hereby named Evolutionary Psychology (which is real), and Biological Physics (which name i just invented, but which field is very real). The latter of these fields, this biological physics stuff, is variously called "Animal Ethics," the "Laws of Life," or other such sillyness, but it basically amounts to this: that there are Physical Laws, just as immutable as the laws of gravity and thermo- or aero-dynamics, that apply to biology.

One such Law is simple:

if you eat yourself out of house and home, you will die.

If the lions somehow get together and eat every single dear, gazelle, and... whatever else, then the lions go extict.

Or if you, say, eat up all the Plains, Rainforests, and Oceans....



Anyway: once upon a time.

Once upon a time, a planet lived and thrived for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of years.

Then that planet "discovered" the laws of ecology and population control and behavioral sustainability....laws that, of course, the biosphere had already been following in an "unconscious" way, forever.

But now we know them in a literal, scientifical way (you like inventive verbage?;)

Once upon a time, a planet lived for a long, long time.

And then once upon a time, it produced a species, that produced a civilization, that produced "sciences," that allowed some people to understand what they were doing wrong (and what the planet for so, so long had been doing right).

And then once upon a time, the people of that culture that they call Civilization...

....began to THINK,

in a whole new way.

What do you think, Hannah?

Do you like my story?

